Easyuse Systems Drawmaker Express
Drawmaker Express Scoring
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The Scoring Module allows you to enter results for events as they are being run.

It eliminates the tedious task of setting up a whiteboard before an event is conducted.

Features include the ability to:

  • score up to 9 games
  • have all results cross checked to make sure both the team's and opponent's game results confer
  • have match results available as soon as the last result is entered for the current game
  • send reports to printer or PDF format for emailing or posting on the Internet
  • display a summary of all scores on a large projector screen
  • have up to 8 different banners displayed on the bottom of the large projector screen

Printouts include:

  • Match report - displaying all scores entered
  • Summary report - displaying team scores and rankings

Drawmaker Express Scoring

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